The best health and beauty products

Disposable 3 ply surgical face maskHello, and welcome to my blog:)  I've been writing on the blog for my Newbury Street hair salon, Megan Graham Beauty for 8 years now.  Finding the best health and beauty products has become some what of a passion for me.  When I started in the beauty business 20 years ago, I would use anything that made me look good, but as the years have passed and I've gained a better understanding of what things actually do to your body as they make you "beautiful" I've become more selective and discerning.
This past year I have been slowly expanding my little shop page on my website.  At first it was just a few beauty products and my little black towels, a bleach resistant black makeup removing towel that I have designed and manufactured.  I was so busy working as a colorist (and salon owner) in my posh Boston salon, that try as I might, I never seemed to be able to find the time to work on my online shop, which I dreamed of building and curating with all of my beloved beauty and wellness products.
When the coronavirus started to make its way into the news I started realizing that I would have to act fast if I would have any income at all during this time.  I was just about the import a new version of my makeup towel (still coming soon!) but I decided to have my importer bring in disposable 3 ply surgical face masks instead.  Not to profit from unfortunate circumstances, but to survive a time of great change, and bring in something that was very difficult to get in tough times.
In the next few weeks and months I'll be bringing in more items, and sharing my love of wellness and beauty with you.  As hard as the past 6 weeks has been with stress and uncertainty, I am trying to focus on how grateful I am to have time to focus on this project, which has been a passion of mine for so long.  Although I am working longer hours right now than I was at my salon, I feel so fortunate to be able to be so busy shipping out orders, and growing the Megan Graham Beauty brand.
Please comment below to tell me what you'd like to see in my store, and share my site with a friend who might be interested:)  Every little bit of support makes a difference in making this dream a reality.
Stay healthy and beautiful.
Megan Graham
Megan Graham Beauty

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